Javed Javed have seen; not a wind but a Hurricane of Corruption,
I have seen wherever I seen a contagious disease of corruption in politics,
I have seen corruption free from all restraints everywhere,
I have seen unlimited corruption of evils with the help of Muslims,
I have seen corruption bigger than an act of Satanism,
I have seen selling DUA/Blessing in Mosques with corruption,
I have seen corruption as a Wrath of Allah on Welsh Muslims,
I have seen a Beard of corruption and Guidance of corruption in Mosque,
I have seen corruption in the shape of child rape,
I have seen adulteress obliterated with the corruption of sex,
I have seen corruption appearing in the shape of Peer/Human worship,
I have seen corruption in the shape of guidance by Peer's penis,
I have seen corruption as an beating stick of a sectarian Muslim,
I have seen utterings of bad words against each other's because of corruption,
I have seen corruption taking medicine from corruption,
I have seen getting punished whoever expose corruption,
I have seen the speech of truth getting suppressed with corruption,
I have seen humanity without voice because of corruption,
I have seen honourless corruption crawling under the skin,
I have seen layers of corruption helping corruption in hard time,
I have seen corruption deceiving justice everywhere,
I have rung all the bells without reply/result; great many are involved in corruption,
I have seen corruption giving terrorists a covering blanket,
I have seen also unfaithfulness against the United Kingdom because of corruption,
I have seen a climate of corruption just like Pakistan,
O Muslims! I have seen limitless corruption in Cardiff.
Javed Javed - 3 September 2015 – Qur'an 83:1-3, 4:135, 12:106, 39:45

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