Those who have nothing to do with Muhammad (S) calls themselves Lovers of Muhammad (S),
Pigs/Lovers of Alcohol & Swine those who are Evil Beads of Evil Rosary.
Tell Me! Do your Priests know/understand Muhammad (S)?
Those who do not understand/know Qur'an, how could they understand/know Muhammad (S).
Your acts are showing that you would be in Hell Fire,
O Hypocrite! Stop singing the Songs of Muhammad (S) in Mosques.
If ask them, O Blind of One Eye, this is not in the Book of Muhammad (S) (Qur'an),
Bashfully they shows the Books of their gods/idols/shaikhs.
O Muslim! Stop taunting Jewish & Christians now,
O Mad! Look at you own gods/idols in Mosque; Mullah and Pir.
O ignorant! If you have left Qur'an than you have left Muhammad (S),
O Muslims! Kick Out from Mosques the Moths/lovers of Evil.
O Fool! Any Mosque who's Evil Foundation is based on Alcohol & Swine,
Not the Mosques of Allah & Muhammad (S) but Satan's Taverns.
Simple English understanding of an Urdu poem by Poet Javed Javed - 01.03.2014 - Qur'an 9:107, 4:145
The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them;- Qur'an 4:145