Javed Javed Cardiff
la-ilaha-illallah-poem - Poem by Javed Javed

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Christian White Men raped Pakistani Heritage child girls?

O Pakistani Muslims! Shameful difference is clear. JJ


No god but Allah - poem by javed javed

No god but Allah
Qur'an is saying, most of those who believe in Allah (Muslim) also commit shirk,
Most animal/beast I see but face is human.
Look at mimicry animals; donkey's are without intellect,
If doesn't understand nor thinks than that is an animal.
Look! To whom Qur'an of Muhammad (S) is calling Hypocrite?
In the hand is the Evil Drink (Alcohol) and singing the songs of Love for Muhammad (S).
Honourless worship Pir & Mullah like Allah,
If it is not Qur'an you follow than you are Luggage of Hell.
Evils sucks the Life Blood of Muhammad (S) day & night,
Name of celebration is Muhammad's(S) Birthday but Satan is doing it.
O Muslim! Do not look at beard but look at the act of Satan,
Standing on the Pulpit of Mosque is Pig like a god.
You are sowing hate and you will harvest hate Muslim,
Life of Satan is really in Sectarianism.
O Lover of Muhammad (S), do not bring Muhammad's (S) name on your lips,
If you are ignorant of the Muhammad's Book of Allah (Qur'an).
Do not talk about Jewish and Christians; look into mirror,
There is a possibility mirror might break with shame.
Listen O Yazid (Oppressor/Zalim) of this time! One real faithful Muslim is enough in battle field for you,
This world is a stage set of a battle ground of Karbala till the Doomsday.
In the Egyptian Revolution, Mullah & Pir have became naked,
They should remove their beards themselves (Stop Claiming to be Protectors of Islam); this is penalty for their inflicted oppression.
If there is no Humanity in you than you are worse than an animal,
O Ignorant! Look this is what Qur'an of Muhammad (S) is saying.
Stop following the path of your demi-gods and take the path of humanity,
The proclamation of Islam is No god but Allah.
O Oppressor, Cruel! Look at Womenfolk! Mother, sister, daughter and wife,
You bury them alive in grave; this is a Hurricane of Oppression.
How many children's have been raped by Pakistani Apes & Swine's?
O Muslims, they have bowed down the Dignity of Muhammad (S) with shame.
O Look! Whatever poet wanted to say, said it, but,
It is on your own decision that your profit & loss occur.
Do scrutinise/test it yorself as per the example in Qur'an of Sabbath Breakers,
Most are Apes and Swine (you will see) but name is Muslim.

Simple English understanding of an Urdu poem by Javed Javed, 24 January 2014 - Qur'an - 12:106, 7:160-166, 5:60

Qur'an 12:106. And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (other as partners) with Him!(1789) (Yusuf Ali)
1789 Even if people profess a nominal faith in Allah, they corrupt it by believing in other things as if they were Allah's partners, or had some share in the shaping of the world's destinies! In some circles, it is idolatry, the worship of stocks and stones. In others, it is Christolatry and Mariolatry, or the deification of heroes and men of renown. In others it is the powers of Nature or of Life, or of the human intellect personified in Science or Art or invention, and this is the more common form of modern idolatry. Others again worship mystery, or imaginary powers of good or even evil: greed and fear are mixed up with these forms of worship. Islam calls us to worship Allah, the One True God, and Him only. (R).






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Javed Javed (JJ) Tel: 07970 552833