Javed Javed Cardiff
Ebadat-Poem by Javed Javed

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Aawaz by Javed Javed

Very simple meaning of the Urdu Language poem “EBADAT” by Javed Javed.

Prostrating towards the east or west is not worshipping!
Worshipping is; to respect/treat the humans as humans.

From The Friend of Allah (Prophet Ibrahim (as)), Prophet Musa (as), prophet Isa (as) & up till last one Prophet Muhammad(S);
These are Allah’s Muslims (Believer on Monotheism); why don’t you understand, ignorant.

God left every way for humans to choose, according to their intellect/understanding.
What type of Muslim are you, who think others as animal/ignorant?

Look! Time is coming when humans will be united,
You would not understand if you don’t understand Qur’an.

Think also about yourself (instead of others)! Leave the way’s of the others!
You are ignorant/closed eye/blind Muslim! You wouldn’t understand faith!

Javed Javed – 11 November 2010






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Javed Javed (JJ) Tel: 07970 552833