Javed Javed Cardiff
Sog-Poem by Javed Javed

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Simple English understanding of the poem” SOG ”
by Javed Javed – 1 May 2011. (Friend of Allah-Qur'an 10:62)

O Listen! Unbeliever and Mushrik can not be a Friend of Allah!
Why Disease of Hate? I have not picked an Idol but Qur’an!

Roar of Musa (AS), Isa (AS) and Muhammad (S) has risen again’
O Human! Why have you left God and created relationship with idols?

Why wouldn’t you be destroyed Muslim? Aad & Samood were destroyed!
O Hypocrite! Your heart is dark without Allah’s light; why this religious exercise for the show?

Your brain matter to think with is dead; Evil Worship of Creations is alive now,
Why are ignorant Muslims performing reward-less religious exercises?

Whoever is dead, whoever is gone away; he has gone from this world.
Why don’t your dead gods laying in graves, move and eat food you serve them?

O Look at Kaaba/Islam! It is full with the water of Mischief & Shirk,
Why aren’t they stopping Pir & Mullah (so called religious teachers); the wicked source of it?

O Devotee! You will not find Real Light/God with Religious Exercise,
How could you have a relationship with Him, when enemy/idol is sitting in your heart?

O Preachers! If Obedience to Allah is for the sake of Obedience to Allah only and not for the sake of business;
Why the Desire of Wine, Women and Boys of Paradise?

That Un-sincere who have not understood the place of “No god except Allah”;
He would not understand Muhammad (S) and the Disease of Jaundice in Din/Islam.

They only came in the Fold of Islam with objective of getting Magian’s Revenge;
This is what I have found out when looked carefully into the reason of the Disease of Leaf to the Tree of Monotheism.

“Heart of Diamond can be split with a Rose Petal”
Why ignorant people are carrying an axe in their hand?

Javed is Dead (Poet)! There must have been something in writing;

Look! Otherwise, why Unbeliever and Mushrik should, also be Mourning.

Mourning-poem by Javed Javed





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Javed Javed (JJ) Tel: 07970 552833