Beast of Satan
On this side is Qur'an and on other side is Satan/Shaitan,
If you are a Muslim of Muhammad (S), with whom are you?
On this side is NOOR, Light of Allah, other side is a Shop of Satan,
O Muslim! This is your exam for Paradise or Hell.
Are you the Storm of "No god but Allah" or a Storm of Evil,
Are you a Full of Faith or an Artery of Evil.
Do you believe in "Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah"?
If you believe in Satan than you are not a Human.
Death is with you all the time, you are a guest here of any second,
Do you obey the Command of Muhammad (S) or Satan.
On this side is Call of Muhammad (S) and other side is Fire of Evil,
On this side is intercession of Muhammad (S) and other side is your loss.
On this side is Paradise, other side is Satan's side, the baggage of Hell,
If you are a Beast of Satan, leave Satan.
Simple English Understanding of an Urdu Poem by Javed Javed - 2.12.2012