Javed Javed Cardiff
muhammad-S-sey-wafa-Poem by Javed Javed

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Faithfulness to Muhammad (S)!


O Shameless & Honourless! You have prostrated towards KHANQAH'S.
You are only deceiving yourself after drinking Devil’s Wines.

O Look! Inner Hidden Devil has appeared.
Look! Mushrik which recite The Confession of Faith of Muslim has surpassed the Wicked & Cursed people of Aad and Loot.

Mushrik is looking for a recovery in Deadly Poison of Shirk (polytheism-Idol Worship).
Why shouldn’t Wrath of Allah rain; punishment for Shrik is supreme.

When did Muhammad (S) said to Prostrate to Grave?
Tell! Why are you Mushriks, giving a bad name to Allah & Muhammad (S)?

What is left with you after forgetting the wars of Badr & Uhud between Mushriks & Muslims?
If no more Love of Muhammad (S) left; you left with Nothing-All is lost.

Hindu worship stone; you are no different than Hindu.
O Mushrik! Tell me the difference between you and Hindu except name.

Without The LA ILAHA (Monotheism), you will only Burn in Hell.
O Mushrik! You have left The One (Allah) and made hundreds of your man made gods.

O Mushrik! There is still a time for you to correct yourself; you have forgotten your death/forgetting that you will die one day.
Poet Javed is supplicating for you to find a Path of Truth before death.

Why wouldn’t The Soul of Muhammad (S) be restless on the Condition of Mushrik (Muslim turned Mushrik)?

O Everybody! Have a Look! Lovers of Muhammad (S) are showing Faithfulness to Muhammad (S) by being a Mushrik-polytheist/going against his teachings.

Simple English understanding of the poem MUHAMMAD SE WAFA or "Faithfulness to Muhammad (S)" by Javed Javed - 27 August 2011.



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Javed Javed (JJ) Tel: 07970 552833