Do not do any discourse with pen except the Message of Muhammad (S),
Gives the language to the reflection with Love, Zeal, Rage & Passion,
Javed (poet) is not politician; he is Quranic Poet, Exposes Openly & Bravely Evil Satanism in Muslims.
Javed Javed - 20 September 2013 (Qur'an-26:227)
What is wrong with Islam today? The Bitter Truth
Surah Al-Fatiha In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds (1) Most Gracious, Most Merciful (2) Master of the, Day of Judgment. (3) Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. (4) Show us the straight way. (5) The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, (6) Those whose (portion) is not wrath and who go not astray. (7)
Correction of Muslims
Job of the Mosque was the correction of Muslims in every town & city,
But Look! Instead Muslim is without a good & kind character.
Why worried about a place for alighting? You should worry about the Straight /Correct/True Path.
You would be worst than cattle If do not understand this in whole of your life.
You received relationship with Muhammad (S) without doing any work towards it (Born in Muslim Family), but,
A place of alighting of blind and deaf is only wandering hither and thither.
O Muslim you are in a Christian home but you are shameless ass/stupid.
Your acts are such you should go and drowned yourself in a small utensil.
Snatched away from you Muslims, Sun & Moons, once which also belonged to you,
(Because) You left the Way of Muhammad (S) and taken the Path of Pir & Mullah.
Do not have any desires of world nor a House in Paradise,
Spreading the Islam of Muhammad (S) is without Temptation & Fear.
If you do not see Muhammad (S) in Qur'an, than,
You should know than what would happen to you on the Day of Judgement o evil.
With a firm belief, person jumps into fire without any fear,
In the Way of Truth, power of evil does not effect. O Enemy of Allah & Muhammad (S); Be Sensible Evil Satan,
If you do not understand this, hell of both worlds is yours.
Simple English understanding of an Urdu Poem by Javed Javed - 16 September 2013 (Qur'an - Chapter 1 Al-Fatihah - The Opening)